ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Zhanna A. Kolesnikova

4th year student of the Department of Russian Philology and Records Management, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article makes an attempt of conceptual analysis of the novel "The Foundation Pit" by A. Platonov where the concepts of `individual`, `emptiness`, `life`, `happiness`, `anguish`, `boredom` and `future` are considered as the basic ones. In the process of analysis, the attention is paid to both specific and conventional components of semantic content of the concepts that are essential for comprehension of the reality structure of the composition. Thus, Platonov`s worldview regards `individual` as a systemless mechanism of a two-facet content, `life` as cause of death and a vector, `emptiness` as an opportunity for fulfilment and loneliness, `happiness` as an inevitability, `boredom` as an omen of death and etc. Relations of subordination are built between the universum, the peculiarity of the perception of temporal categories as spatial and the motive of orphanhood. The article also reveals such an important proposition of the novel as an autonomy of things and body parts. This may be observed in the content of the foregoing anthropological concepts as well as directly in predicates and attributes for the nouns with corresponding semantics, in some frequently appearing prefixes and in entire episodes of the novel. Thereby the inconsistency, the fragmentation of the universum develops into a chaotic picture of the disorganized world. The motive for orphanhood implying the loss of a tutelary entity meets with a theme of godforsakenness, transmitted through the episode about the priest in the church, and with the help of certain lexemes. As a result, having established the connection between the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov and the inconsistency of the world in the novel, the author of the article proposes the theory of dependence of the autonomous being of parts within The universum on the intentional outbordering of the immanent divine principle.
Keywords: concept, being, non-being, `individual`, `life`, `happiness`, `anguish`, `future`, `boredom`, `time`.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kolesnikova, ZA 2021, ‘Model of the world and individual in the novel “The foundation pit” by A. Platonov’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (6), pp. 94–100, (in Russ.)


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