ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Elena V. Dmitrieva

PhD student of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication

Kursk State University

(Kursk, Russia)


Abstract. This article deals with the need to study the terminology combinations used intensively by the individual in different fields of activity. They are related to the use of a computer, which is a modern technological device. The need to study lexical elements is due to the recognition of the great social significance of computerization processes in modern society. Due to the technological progress, the development of digitalization in the fields of the sciences and humanities, economics, education there has been an evolution in the presentation and use of computer terminology by the individual and the society. Therefore, most terminology dictionaries of computer vocabulary do not contain new lexical combinations that would allow an ordinary user to understand the meaning of the term. The article deals with the evolution of representation of computer terminology from the point of view of both traditional and interpretation. In addition, the author proves the diffuse nature of computer terminology in the modern society. The theoretical provisions are illustrated with examples from various areas of functioning and contexts of the use of computer vocabulary. For example, Internet blogs (personal, professional, educational, etc.), Internet communication (chats, commentaries), multi-genre computer games, contexts describing the digitalization’s processes of society and economic sphere’s contexts. The author concludes that there is no common understanding and definition of modern computer terminology traditionally considered a highly specialized professional area containing concepts related to a PC vocabulary. The author also notes that when focusing on human activity, it is possible to conclude that a large number of lexical nominations are “growing” on the basic core - the computer.
Keywords: computer terminology, language phenomena, English loan word, linguistic view of the world, terminological field.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Dmitrieva, EV 2021, ‘Evolution of the computer terminology representation’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (7), pp. 49–56, (in Russ.)


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