ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Yulia M. Zubareva

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Chair of the General Theoretical Disciplines and Russian as a Foreign Language, Tula State University

Tula State University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article examines the features of modern digital educational content and the issues associated with its creation. The traditional goal setting of full-time education (knowledge, skills, abilities) in a distance format has not only a different form, but also fundamentally different ways of implementation, which requires a revision of the usual strategy for presenting educational information. Analysis of the structure of various types of electronic educational resources shows that it consists of traditional blocks of educational material, but in the hypertext field, it is multilayered and is based on a nonlinear (interactive) principle of construction. Content is a shared multimedia object: not only text, but also related illustrations, videos. In this regard, the electronic form of information presentation transforms the usual process of reading and memorizing. This applies to both quantitative indicators (the speed of reading and the speed of orientation in the read text) and qualitative characteristics (assessment of the text before reading, the presence (or absence) of a "visual substitute", the need to reread). Comparison of the "self-orientation" of students at different stages of reading traditional (paper) and electronic texts allows us to conclude that the perception of the presented educational information is influenced by the ergonomic characteristics of the multimedia space (organization of the electronic environment taking into account hygienic standards: competent use of the text zone, font, background, color, formatting), as well as the technical properties of the teaching aids that are used to broadcast it. The study of the specifics of the digital educational environment makes it possible to determine the optimal conditions for the presentation of educational information in electronic format.
Keywords: digital educational environment, electronic educational content, nonlinear text, electronic text, hypertext, multimedia, organization of electronic educational space, ergonomic features of electronic educational text.

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For citation: Zubareva, YM 2021, ‘Electronic educational resources: specificity of information presentation in the educational text’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (7), pp. 57–64, (in Russ.)


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