ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Arkady N. Dolgikh

Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (History), Professor of the Department of National and Universal History

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

(Lipetsk, Russia)


Abstract. The article is devoted to the main issues in Russian historiography related to the study of the issue of the creation, essence and discussion in the State Council and higher government spheres (primarily in the State Council in 1830) of the Supplementary Law on States draft. The author looks into explanations of the draft’s failure in pre-revolutionary memoir and historical literature, as well as into the main achievements in this regard of Soviet and post-Soviet historical science. This bill, created in a well-known Committee on December 6, 1826, the first of the secret committees of the reign of Nicholas I, provided for a number of measures regarding the situation of state peasants, with regard to limiting the number of household people and their status, the issue of banning the sale of people without land, changing the regulations on free farmers, guilds and workshops, merchants and tradesmen, the elimination of ranks, etc. At the same time, prepared in the Committee on December 6, 1826 this project reached the discussion in the State Council in 1830, but was never implemented at that time, especially in the "peasant" part of it, although some of its sides became the basis for the later legislation of the Nicholas I era in the estate sphere. The paper analyzes various views of researchers on the significance of this Supplementary Law on states, its possible impact on the change of some aspects of serfdom in Russia, the essence of the arguments of its supporters and its opponents, the role of Grand Dukes Konstantin Pavlovich and Mikhail Pavlovich in its failure, the influence of European events, first of all, revolutions in France and Belgium, as well as the Polish uprising on the resolution of this issue. The author shows a modern vision of the issue.
Keywords: autocracy, Nicholas I, Committee of December 6, 1826, historiography, peasant question, serfdom, Additional law on states.

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For citation: Dolgikh, AN 2021, 'On the fate of the draft Supplementary law on the states of 1830: historiographical aspect', Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (8), pp. 6–17, (in Russ.)


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