ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Yulia I. Kuzina

3rd year student of the Department of Russian Philology and Records Management

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article characterizes the model of the family for the young Leo Tolstoy, embodied in the artistic form in the novel «Family Happiness». The author notes that for the early period of Tolstoy's life the family was one of the main values. It was in the family that Tolstoy saw the meaning of existence. According to the writer at this stage of his life, the institution of the family was the main source of happiness, and the condition of true love for the spouse were children. This paper considers the linguistic and cultural specificities of the novel in describing love and family relationships between the characters. The development of linguocultural direction, in particular the study of the concept "Family" as a mental category of culture, determined the relevance of the research. On the example of the relations of the main characters Tolstoy demonstrated the notions of family happiness, which prevail in the Russian language picture of the world. Through the analysis of Masha's behavior and feelings at certain stages of her life the author of the article describes the perception of the institution of marriage, which is not typical of the Russian people and which Tolstoy himself evaluates negatively. The work determined that "Family Happiness" is an underrated work of Leo Tolstoy, which started a series of works by the writer, devoted to the philosophy of women. Masha is the heroine, whose features are reflected in other female characters created by Tolstoy in the future. The article concluded that the analyzed novel has linguocultural potential, determined by the traditions of Russian linguoculture.
Keywords: Leo Tolstoy, language, culture, linguoculturology, family, comprehension, concept.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kuzina, YI 2021, ‘Verbalization of ideas about the family model in the early novel "Family Happiness" by Leo Tolstoy’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4(8), pp. 70–81, (in Russ.)


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