ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407

Chief Editor

Elena P. Martynova

Doctor of History, Professor, Professor of the Chair of History and Archaeology at Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University.


The total number of publications is 160, including:

- scientific papers – 155, including those indexed in international databases - 9;

- educational and methodological works - 5.

Elena conducts research activities in the field of Ethnology and Social Anthropology.

Main research interests: ethnic history of the indigenous peoples of Northwest Siberia; traditional culture and social organization of the indigenous peoples of Northwest Siberia; ethnic identity of the indigenous population of Northwest Siberia; ethnological expertise; public perception of migrants.

Training of highly qualified personnel:

Elena conducts training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the direction 07.00.02 - National History.

Experience in managing large projects and scientific research:

For the last five years, Elena has been a performer of research projects funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Public activities:

- Expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR);

- Expert of Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (FAEA) at the Tula region.

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