ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Maria L. Lapteva

Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), head of the Department of modern Russian language of Astrakhan State University

Astrakhan State University

(Astrakhan, Russia)

Zhanna E. Kinzhigalieva

Postgraduate student of the Department of modern Russian language of Astrakhan State University

Astrakhan State University

(Astrakhan, Russia)

Abstract. The article deals the culture signs which acquired the symbolic semantic and got the objectification the lexical-phraseological system of the Russian language in view semiological approach to contemporary mass culture. The article analyzes the anthroponymic units – famous book and movie heroes names which got wide spreading by mass culture channels and increased the semantic structure (Mata Hari, Sherlock Holmes, Pinkerton, mother Theresa, Robin Hood). The meaning of the units in question is revealed in contexts that are also fragments of texts of mass cultures. The work pays special attention to images that are actively replicated in cinematograph discourse field. Hollywood which got representation in phraseological units with symbolic component «Look who's here in Holywood!» and «the Hollywood smile» is marked out as special mass culture aesthetic symbol.
Keywords: mass culture, language symbol, image, phraseological unit, anthroponym, representation, meaning structure, meaning, sense.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Lapteva, ML, Kinzhigalieva ZhE. 2020, ‘Mass culture symbols in lexical-phraseological representation’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (1), pp. 70–78. URL: (in Russ.)


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