ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Lyudmila Yu. Buyanova

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics

Kuban State University

(Krasnodar, Russia)


Abstract. As the main focus, the article investigates the peculiarities of semiotic and derivative-cognitive modeling of heterogeneous linguistic structures that function in the innovative genre of colloquial commentary in the Internet space; analyses their emotive and derivative-semiotic potential due to the topicality and axiological significance for the communicants participating in colloquial commentary in the Internet communication. The aim of the work is a multidimensional consideration of the cognitive-discursive mechanisms of formation and verbal-semiotic presentation of the register of comments in the space of Internet communication and the specifics of its derivational-semiotic modulations as a factor in the evolution of language. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the development of a theoretical framework for the study of the innovative Internet structure - the genre of open conversational commentary presented in the Internet communication space by a particular type of text - the text of the Internet commentary. What is new is the systematization and classification of groups of Internet communicators according to basic criteria; the introduction and definition of a number of new concepts and terms: “derivational-semiotic modulations”; “Internet world view (IWV)”; “World views of Internet communicators (commentators)”; “Internet as a virtual megaworld”; “text of Internet commentary”; “Internet commentary discourse” and others. The creativity of the linguistic structuring of different types of commenting texts in Internet communications depends on the degree of novelty of the primary information event (product), on extralinguistic factors, on the skill level of communicators, commentators, on verbal-semiotic and communicativepragmatic means, on the degree of formation of speech-communicative "Internet skills" in general. The article reveals emotiogenic, mental-psychological and semiotic derivational mechanisms of constructing different types (registers) of commentary; it classifies word-formation and verbal-semiotic characteristics of structural elements of commentary as a genre. The author defines the text of a commentary as the basic unit of a coherent discourse of Internet commenting.
Keywords: Internet communication, derivational-cognitive modeling, genre of conversational commenting, communicator's linguistic identity, Internet commentator, text-commentary, communicatorcommentator, assessment, information.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Buyanova, LYu 2022, ‘Comment case in space of Internet communication: creative and emotional aspect’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (10), pp. 44–53, (in Russ.)


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