ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Nina M. Kochetkova

Head of the Department of the Scientific Reference apparatus

State Institution "State Archive of Tula Oblast"

(Tula, Russia)

Yury F. Smirnov

PhD in History, Deputy Director

State Institution "State Archive of Tula Oblast"

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article reviews the collection of column records dating from the 17th – 18th centuries that is in the safekeeping of the State Archive of Tula Oblast (SATO). The collection starts to form in the pre-revolutionary period in the course of the activities of Tula's scientific-historical and archival societies. Later the documents were stored at SATO, where in 1952 they underwent scientific and technical processing for the first time However, it has not been until 2004 – 2007 that the systematic study of the collection resulted in the creation of a comprehensive scientific reference apparatus and electronic collection, which, with the help of modern information systems, allows a wide range of researchers to access the documents in the collection. The article gives an overview of the different types of documents in the collection, in particular the deed documents – the list of granted non-judgmental letters, decrees on granting land, signatures on the collection of taxes, extracts from cadastral books. The article also focuses on deed documents from the church context – these are letters of the Patriarch Joachim and metropolitans of Sarsk and Podonsk in the second half of the 17th century. The documents presented in the article contain information about certain aspects of the everyday life of the 17th century, in particular, a row record of marriage. The paper also pays attention to such fairly rare types of documents as the alphabet, the prescription and the legend. The author concludes that the documents presented in the collection, in combination with documents stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, can serve as sources on the social and economic history of the region, and also be used as part of the teaching of supporting history courses for university students.
Keywords: State Archive of Tula Oblast, collection of column paper records, immunity letter, charter, contractual record, handwritten list, petition.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kochetkova, NM & Smirnov, YuF 2022, ‘The collection of columns and letters from the 17th to 18th centuries in the State Archive of Tula Oblast’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (11), pp. 23–42, (in Russ.)


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