ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Alexandre V. Sokolov

Assistant of the Department of History and Archeology

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze statistical information about the Tula Old Believers in the XIX century. The source base of the study was made up of clerical archival materials, which made it possible to identify the specifics of the accounting criteria for the identification of Old Believers. The author of the study paid priority attention to the analysis of two branches of statistics: church and civil power. The first is presented on the pages of the Tula Diocesan Gazette, the second is in the Reviews of the Tula Province. The author comes to the conclusion that both systems of collecting information about Old Believers – church and state – did not reflect a reliable picture, but the system of distortions and the dynamics of statistics allow us to find answers to the most interesting questions: "What factors influenced the statistics of Old Believers?" "What methods were used to collect statistical information?" "What was the number of Old Believers in Tula province?" "What did the statistics on the Old Believers affect?". The author comes to the conclusion that the lack of criteria separating Orthodox from "schismatics" primarily influenced the collection of information about Old Believers. The "addressee" factor also had a serious impact - who exactly the information was intended for. Church statistics were published in the diocesan gazette, which means it was open and had to show the success of the church's struggle with the "schism". Soviet statistics were closed and intended for internal use by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If church statistics were collected according to the principle – "the one who is responsible for the fight against the "schism" controls its success," then officials were engaged exclusively in data collection and treated the results much more indifferently. The article presents for the first time the statistical dynamics of the "split", which is considered in the context of the activities of secular and spiritual authorities in relation to the Old Believers of the Tula province.
Keywords: Raskol, Old Believers, image, statistics, Tula province, secular power, clerical power, Orthodoxy.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Sokolov, AV 2022, ‘«Don't you want to join the Raskol?» specifics of collecting quantitative data on old believers (based on the materials of the Tula province)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (11), pp. 43–55, (in Russ.)


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