ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Arsen A. Khusnutdinov

Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor of the Russian Philology Department

Ivanovo State University

(Ivanovo, Russia)


Abstract. The article presents linguistic material showing the peculiarities of the use of the expression ‘i tochka’ in Russian, as well as a scientific commentary on it. The author attempts to prove the falsity of the idea that the expression first appeared in this form and meaning in the logo “Vkusno i Tochka” (“Tasty ― and that’s it”) of the Russian fast food restaurants chain, based on the McDonald's chain closed in Russia. The article shows that the expression ‘i tochka’ appears in Russian in the 19th century and is connected with one of the meanings of the word ‘tochka’ (the end, the completion of something, the end of something). It becomes widespread in live speech in the 1920s and 1930s and remains relevant to the present day. Oral speech, fiction and non-fiction texts of various types and genres reflect this phenomenon. The expression is also recorded in dictionaries of the Russian language created in the 19th and 21st centuries. The article presents the characteristics of the expression under study in terms of those properties that determine the peculiarities of its use in the live Russian speech and the correlation with other units within the Russian vocabulary. The materials presented in this article will be useful in teaching Russian language at school and university, as well as in compiling general and special purpose dictionaries, including learner’s dictionaries.
Keywords: Russian language, phraseology, phraseological unit, eloquent expressions, transformed usage, phraseological derivation, history of phraseological unit in the language.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Khusnutdinov, AA 2023, ‘To the History of the Expression ‘I Tochka’ (“That’s It”) in the Russian Language’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (13), pp. 126–137, (in Russ.)


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