ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Olga I. Sekenova

PhD in Historical Sciences, Research Associate

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. The article focuses on the scientific heritage of E. N. Shchepkina, the historian and teacher, the first women-lecturer at the Higher Women's Courses. Her works are devoted to the problems of the Tula region local history in the context of the Russian historiography development in 1880s – 1890s and the involvement of women in the Russian academic historical community. Within the framework of the “new local history”, based on Shchepkina’s historical works of and her autodocumentary sources, the author analyzes the conditions of studying research work at the Moscow and St. Petersburg Higher Courses for Women and at the Sorbonne. The author also examines the selfeducation practices used by Shchepkina when writing works on the history of the Tula region, and the peculiarities of her lecture work as a teacher of eighteenth-century history. The author studies how work within the framework of positivist methodology influenced the reflection of historical, geographical and socio-economic issues in Shchepkin’s works on local historical material. The article analyzes in detail the key works of E. N. Shchepkina: “Ancient Landowners in Service and at Home,” dedicated to the history of the Bolotov family from the 16th to the 18th centuries, and “Tula Uezd in the 17th century,” reflecting socio-demographic and economic processes in the region. The author draws conclusions about E. N. Shchepkina's contribution to Tula historiography and the implicit connection between local and metropolitan historical communities thanks to numerous publications of documents and research on local history in the second half of the 19th century. The author demonstrates the process of transforming research on local history into an equal part of all-Russian scientific historiography at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries.
Keywords: history of the Tula region, women historians, historiography, local history.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Sekenova, OI 2023, ‘History of the Tula Region in the Works of Historian and Teacher E. N. Shchepkina (1854 – 1938)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (16), pp. 111–120, (in Russ.)


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