ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Nelly A. Krasovskaya

Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Director of the Institute of Russian as a Foreign Language

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article discusses the issues of creating a model for training teachers of Russian as a foreign language the Republika Srpska (an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina). The author substantiates the need to develop such a model and points out the difficulties of promoting the Russian language in the countries of the Western Balkans, associated with a number of objective reasons. At the same time, the article notes certain factors that should be taken into account when developing a model for training a teacher of Russian as a foreign language. In particular, the author points to the foreign Slavic environment, to teaching the Russian language not among native speakers, to variability and multipolarity of the world, as well as to the complexity and dynamism of the Russian language system. It is necessary to take into account all these factors when forming a linguistic base for the development of a model of continuous training of Russian as a foreign language teacher. In the author’s opinion, the features of such a language base should be the use of neologisms and versatile work with them, as well as a more thorough study of linguistic and regional material, in particular, deeply focused on the characteristics of a specific region of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to analyze neologisms in the broad context of functional, stylistic and communicative features. This is important for the implementation of a communicative-activity approach to language learning. Linguistic and regional studies material is a part of the broad context of regional geographic information, but, in the author’s opinion, turning to linguistic material associated with one region helps to more deeply master the history, culture, and traditions of a particular region, which can be significant for different aspects of students’ activities. All this allows solving a set of problems in the system of continuous training of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language. They are related to the formation of communicative, cultural and other competences.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, neologisms, model of training a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, continuity of training, linguistic and regional studies.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Krasovskaya, NA 2023, ‘Linguistic Basis of the Model for Training a Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language in a Foreign Slavic Environment’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (16), pp. 141–150, (in Russ.)


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