ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Alexander A. Kleymeonov

Doctor of Science (History), Senior Researcher of the History and Archeology Department

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The problem of the formation of the key components of the Macedonian tactics of the second half of the 4th century BC is under consideration in the article. Among these basic components were the concentration of the best forces of Alexander's army on one of the flanks, and a concentrated strike on the most vulnerable part of the enemy's battle orders and the combined use of various branches of the army. These elements were clearly manifested in full-scale battles. Philip II successfully used these principles of combat already in his first battle with the Illyrians in 358 BC. The article determines that the ideas of the outstanding Theban commander Epaminondas became the basis for the new Macedonian tactics. Direct reports from ancient authors and comparisons of warfare methods also testify to this. However, the Macedonian king significantly developed Theban’s practices, changing the principle of choosing the point forces application and the role of cavalry on the battlefield. Thanks for these Macedonian tactic has become more versatile and variable. The prerequisite for the introduction of these innovations were the key features of Macedonian military affairs in the Argeadic times, where the leading branch of the army was traditionally the aristocratic cavalry. Thanks to this military culture fundamental feature of the cavalry, which continued to per-form the main tactical functions even after Philip’s military transformations. In addition, the natural features of the cavalry, adapted to a quick strike, rather than a persistent onslaught, predetermined the special tactical thinking of the Macedoni-ans and, accordingly, the desire of Philip and Alexander to attack on the weakest part of the enemy formation.
Keywords: military affairs, tactics, cavalry, Macedonia, Alexander the Great, Philip II, Epaminondas.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kleymeonov, AA 2023, ‘On the Reasons for the Emergence of Advanced Components of Macedonian Tactics of Philip II and Alexander the Great Era’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (16), pp. 34–46, (in Russ.)


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