ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Alexander A. Kleymeonov

Doctor of Sciences (History), Senior Researcher of the History and Archeology Department

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The review examines a book devoted to Persian military affairs, written by the famous researcher A. K. Nefyodkin in 2022. The book under review is a collection of both new and previously published scientific essays and articles, compiled and published as part of a popular book series. Structured according to chronological and problem-based principles, the book deals with various issues related to the military sphere of pre-Achaemenid Iran, the Achaemenid power and the Sassanian dynasty. Among these problems are the reflection of military affairs in certain little-studied written monuments, the role of women in the military life of Persian society, tactical, strategic and organizational aspects of military campaigns, infantry and cavalry tactics, the problem of continuity between military affairs of the Achaemenid and Sassanid times, the specifics of the Persian military theoretical tradition. In addition to the new material, the book actively uses previously published by the author, developments, most of which have been updated. The review notes that in the process of considering the issues raised, A. K. Nefyodkin relies on the data of ancient and ancient Oriental written sources, Russian and foreign scientific literature, often and effectively applies the comparative-historical method. The book is written in an accessible language, without complex terms and cumbersome scientific phrases. Among the drawbacks is the lack of reliance on some studies. The author of the review states that the book allows you to get an idea of the modern scientific understanding of the key problems of Persian military affairs in the 6th century BC – 7th centuries AD. Thus, it can be useful for enthusiast of ancient history, students and researchers.
Keywords: Persians, Achaemenid dynasty, Sassanids, warfare, tactics, strategy, weaponry, book review.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kleymeonov, AA 2024, ‘Belatedly about a Long-needed. Book Review: ‘Voennoye Delo Drevnikh Persov’ (Warfare of the Ancient Persians) by Aleksandr K. Nefyodkin (Eksmo publ, Yauza publ, Moscow, 2022, 272 p.) (The Best Warriors in History)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (18), pp. 149–158, 10.22405/2712-8407-2024-2-149-158 (in Russ.)


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