ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Anatoly Р. Vassilenko

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the French Language Department of the Institute of Russian and Romano-Germanic Philology of the Bryansk state University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky

Bryansk State Academician I. G. Petrovski University

(Bryansk, Russia)

Abstract. This article discusses the methods in teaching monological speech in a foreign language – the use of idioms. The use of phraseological units in speech facilitates the process of communication, makes speech authentic and rich. In order for students to learn and use a stable expression in their utterance in a non-native language, it is necessary to interest them, as well as teach them to recognize phraseological units in spoken speech. Training of monological speech using phraseological units should be carried out in three stages: the construction of one phrase, the construction from two to five phrases, the construction from five or more phrases. Teaching monologic speech with the use of phraseological units is a complex process. First of all, the difficulties lie in the fact that to successfully master monological speech, students must have a comprehensive knowledge of a foreign (or native) language: know the General grammatical rules, operate with a modern language system, be able to use lexical means of communication, be erudite, since monological speech implies the expression of their own point of view, argumentation, their own attitude to the topic. Undoubtedly, the preparation of any monological utterance using phraseological structures contributes to the development of communicative abilities. The ability to correctly compose a monologue in one foreign language is a universal educational action, which means that the student can transfer this skill to any other language being studied. It is worth noting that mastering monologue speech with the use of stable turns of language is difficult for most students, even if students successfully master other types of speech activity (for example, writing, dialogues). The communicative orientation of foreign language teaching emphasizes the importance of mastering the ability of monological speech using phraseological units.
Keywords: phraseology, meaning, monological speech, methods of teaching a non-native language, national picture of the world.

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For citation:Vassilenko, AP 2020, ‘Phraseological expressions in the development of monological speech in a non-native language’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (4), pp. 56-69, URL: (in Russ.)


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