ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Anatoly V. Zhukov

Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of Literature and Russian Language, Pushkin Leningrad State University

Pushkin Leningrad State University

(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


Abstract. The article covers in general terms one of the relevant aspects of the modern semasiology – the semantic variation of phraseological units in the space of a synonymic series: subject-conceptual, grammatical, connotative, expressive-stylistic, etc. The corresponding structural connections against the background of systemic language relations in general (paradigmatic, syntagmatic, epidigmatic and textual) determine the total value of the language sign. The author distinguishes between the concepts of the plan of the content of phraseology and the phraseological meaning. The plan of the content of phraseology is a broader concept, the scope of which, along with the phraseological meaning, includes some additional characteristics. Phraseological meaning is the content core of the phraseological unit and consists of the subject (denotative), conceptual (significative), and grammatical (categorical) elements. Connotation constitutes the closest to the core periphery of the phraseological meaning, which includes figurative component and motivation, as a rule, supplemented by evaluative and emotionally expressive meaning. The third aspect of the phraseological content plan is determined by the paradigmatic, syntagmatic, and epidigmatic relations (for example, the activity of formation of the phraseological form, word formation and phrase formation), as well as the "fourth dimension" – the relations of phraseological units in the text. The Dictionary of Phraseological Synonyms of the Russian Language demonstrates the concept of the value (significance) of the phraseological sign, which is not a purely formal value, but depends primarily on the meaning and only secondarily on the system. Thus, the value acts as a system-forming property, and the significance – as a system-acquired property.
Keywords: phraseology, phraseological and lexical synonyms, content plan and expression plan, phraseological meaning, connotation, language system, value.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Zhukov, AV 2021, ‘Phraseological synonymy and the value of a language sign’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (5), pp. 91–97, (in Russ.)


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