ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Tatiana V. Safonova

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Russian Language and Literature

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. Currently, it is indisputable that the units of the language are characterized by a constant striving for renewal. Set phrases such as proverbs, sayings, catchphrases are no exceptions. The processes of variability at the level of phrasal units are more noticeable and diverse: the transformation can affect both the form and content of a set unit. Among other types of variation in the system of phrasal units, the reduction of their component composition - implication - is widely represented. Implication changes are built into a strict system, represented by certain models (ways) of implication of phrasal units. From the standpoint of the main criterion - the identity or difference of the initial stable phrase and its implicature - there are two types of implication changes in phrasal units: the implication that occurs within the identity of one unit, and the implication that violates the identity. At the same time, an important role in identifying the implicatures of phrasal units (referring to variants of the same unit or to independent units) belongs to the context. Phraseological context (phraseocontext) is distinguished by the specifics of the structure and the nature of the lexical components. A special role here is acquired by the so-called phraseological actualizers - these are words, combinations of words, sentences or groups of sentences related in meaning to the phrasal units used in a given text segment, introducing them into speech in an ordinary or occasional form and largely determining the parameters of possible speech transformations, including within or outside of variant formation. The stability and frequency of functioning of the phrasal units implicatures in contextual conditions specific to them allows us to speak of two types of contexts: texts that make up the meaning of the reduced phrase to the fullest extent possible when implicated with intonational incompleteness and completeness of the phrase, and texts that actualize only part of the semantic plan of the original phrase when isolation of fragments from its composition
Keywords: set phrase, variation, variant, implication, phraseological context, phraseocontext.

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For citation: Safonova, TV 2021, ‘Set phrase and phraseocontext: on phraseological variation’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4(8), pp. 90–99, (in Russ.)


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