Articles for publication in the online journal «Тульский научный вестник. Серия История. Языкознание» (“Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics”) should be submitted in Russian or English. The total volume of the manuscript in one text file (including the title, abstract in Russian and English, keywords in Russian and English, the main text, notes, references and information about the author(s)) should not exceed 1 printed sheet (40,000 characters, including spaces) and should not be less than 0.5 printed sheet (20,000 characters, including spaces). For scholars with a doctoral degree, an article can include the volume of 1.5 printed sheet (60,000 characters, including spaces).
Requirements for scientific articles submitted to the Journal (download)
The following technical requirements are established for the entire manuscript of the article:
The manuscript of the article in one text file should include the following elements:
Structure of the manuscript for publication
1. UDCRequirements for the article layout
All words within a paragraph are separated by only one space. Initials in the text are separated by spaces. Dashes (–) and hyphens (-) must be clearly distinguished when typing. Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols (notation keys) must be decoded in the text at the first mention.
Examples from artistic, journalistic, etc. the works are given without quotation marks in italics, the author and the title of the text are indicated in parentheses. For example: :“My uncle has most honest principles..."("Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin). The meanings of language units are given in semantic quotation marks ' '
Requirements for references (in Russian)
The list of sources and literature is compiled in alphabetically numbered order. It should be issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 with the indication of the mandatory information of the bibliographic description (for example: Yartsev S.V. Severnoye Prichernomor'ye v rimskiy period i problema gotskoy ekspansii [Northern Black Sea region in the Roman period and the problem of Gothic expansion]. Tula, Izdatel’stvo Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universuteta im L.N. Tolstogo publ., 2014. 741 p.).
Historical sources (published and unpublished) are not singled out separately, but are listed together with the other references in alphabetical order. When describing archival documents, the author must indicate the name of the archive, its fund number, its inventory number, its file number (for example: The State Institution "State Archive of the Tula Region" (hereinafter - GU GATO). Fund 396. Inventory 1. File 3593).
Bibliographic references should be issued with the indication in the main text line in square brackets of the serial number of the publication or document from the list of references and comma-separated numbers of the corresponding pages or sheets (for example: [1, p. 15]).
Requirements for tables
The main requirements for the content and design of tables are materiality, completeness of indicators characterizing the process, subject or phenomenon, preciseness and clarity of presentation, economy, uniformity. Table references in the text are mandatory and must be given in the text of the article before the table itself. The table reference in the text should not repeat the thematic title of the table.
Tables should be made in a text editor, centered without text wrapping and necessarily provided with titles in Russian and English. The titles of the tables are typed in italics (centered without paragraph indentation) and placed through the row to the table. In front of the table inscription on the right the designation and the number of the table are placed (Table 1).
Tables should contain information about the sources of information on the basis of which they are compiled. Information about these sources is given immediately after the table (for example, Compiled by: …).
Requirements for illustrations
The illustration must be placed on the same page as the in-text reference to it, or on the following page. Illustrations are embedded in the text with alignment in the center of the page without paragraph indentation.
The recommended size of the illustration in height is up to 10–15 cm. The sizes of the inscriptions and digital symbols in the figure should correspond to the font size used in the text of the article, i.e. not less than 10 and not more than 14 pt.
Illustrations embedded in the text must be made in one of the formats: TIFF, JPEG, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi for dashed images (diagrams, drawings, graphs) and at least 600 dpi for halftone (photographs, etc.).
All alphabetic or numeric designations shown in the illustrations are necessarily explained either in the main text or in the caption. Captions are typed in the text editor in the same way as the main text, a line after the illustration in italics, aligned in the center of the page without paragraph indentation. The caption begins with the designation and number of the picture (Figure 1), the in-text reference to the figure is given in the form of an abbreviation – Fig. 1. After the caption, the text of the article continues to be typed after skipping one line.
Requirements for references (in English)
References are given in accordance with the style of design of the list of non-textual bibliographic references accepted in foreign publications by Harvard.